Why Do They Call Them Mother Sauces?

Why Do They Call Them Mother Sauces?

The concept of having Mother Sauces from which to create most other sauces is a relatively new concept. Sauces have been used in cooking just about as long as fire has. Sauces in French cuisine date back to the middle ages. In those days, sauces were used to hide the...
Stock vs Broth Makes All The Difference

Stock vs Broth Makes All The Difference

The best soups and sauces are made from intensely flavored liquids. The question of stock vs broth must be considered when making either of these kitchen staples. What is the difference between the two? Why are they different? What effect will either have on my...
Beware That Different Potatoes Cook Differently

Beware That Different Potatoes Cook Differently

Different potatoes DO cook differently.  Most people think a spud is a spud; one is no different from the other.  But this isn’t true; all varieties of potato are not the same.  Using the correct type for the dish you’re making is important for excellent results. In...
Ravioli Dough As Easy As 1-2-3-4

Ravioli Dough As Easy As 1-2-3-4

Ravioli dough is simple to make and easy to enjoy. That’s because there are an endless number of fillings for your pasta dumplings, limited only by your creativity. But wait! Before we go creativity crazy, there’s a basic procedure to follow so that you make the best...