Do you want to make some easy healthy meals and ensure that your kitchen is only producing the healthiest cooking? Then you are going to love the idea that I’m going to share with you today. I just received my first Produce Box! The Produce Box is filled with healthy, fresh ingredients that guarantees I will be cooking local, wholesome foods all week.

Having the freshest ingredients is just the first step, then you need to know how to store them to avoid spoilage and wasted money, and which cooking methods are used on which items. To get the best results from farm fresh ingredients, you need to know How To Cook Fresh.

Why The Produce Box?
Growing your own fresh vegetables can be fun and rewarding. I think it’s a big pain in the neck. The second best thing is going to your local farmers market to buy the most wholesome fruits and vegetables that are grown in your community by your local farmer. However, I’ve discovered the next best thing to THAT! It’s a produce box that is delivered to my front door each week.

The Produce Box is an excellent example of Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) that is now becoming very popular, and may now be available in your area. One of the best resources for finding your local CSA or farmers market can be found at Eat Local Grown. This website has a wealth of information about fresh, local foods and their positive impact on your overall lifestyle.

Community Supported Agriculture (CSA)
CSA is a way for the farmer to cooperate directly with his customers, as we all agree to purchase whatever is freshest and best from his farm each week. Each box will contain different items based on the local conditions, not the national conditions and price futures. You work directly with the farm and farmer.

Healthy Cooking
Besides having the best ingredients with the most nutritional quality and flavor, I love the the idea of a CSA because of the serendipity of opening the box. I don’t know what surprises I’ll find, but I’m always up to the challenge of being ready to cook whatever is in the box. The Produce Box makes it easy for me to cook light and healthy. I bet it will help you too!

Starting TODAY, you can cook healthier, better tasting food and STILL save money.

“Discover my simple 5 step process for getting fresh, nutritious and cost-effective meals on the table every night of the week! “