It would make sense that the healthiest foods are the ones that are closest to harvest, those that are allowed to receive the most nutrients from growing in the soil.

Nutrients dissipate quickly from stored vegetables. The further from harvest, or if not allowed to ripen completely, the less nutritious the item will be.

However, Marketing and nutrition don’t often cooperate. Tomatoes SELL better when they look red and feel firm. Savvy produce marketers know how to manipulate their products for the best presentation at the market. This isn’t always the best presentation of nutrients, just saleability.

Tomatoes that must be shipped great distances can become easily damaged. Plus, tomatoes continue to ripen after you take them from the vine. To combat a tomato arriving at the store after its long journey and looking un-sellable, they’re often waxed or gassed to slow the ripening process and protect them from bruises and oxygen.

These tomatoes must be picked before they ripen, leaving many of the nutrients you desire still in the soil as the truck pulls away. The best way to assure that your tomatoes are among the healthiest foods is to grow tomatoes yourself or consider:

1 ) Seasonality – Is it tomato season where you live?
If not, maybe you should pick something that is local and in-season.
2 ) Texture and Color – A tomato should be bright red and slightly soft.
If it’s pale and hard, it may never ripen in your window sill
3 ) Stem attached – Is there still a crown and stem on the fruit?
If so, you’ve bought an extra day of freshness and nutrition

When you know what to look for, you can purchase the freshest, healthiest foods and actually save money by not discarding your food budget when items spoil quickly.

Should tomatoes be refrigerated or left at room temperature? What do you do in your household?

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