If you’re planning an Olympics theme party, I’ve found something from my archives for you.  It’s my “Around The World Hors d’ Oeuvres Menu”.

olympics party menu

This was a very popular menu years ago when I was running my own catering company.  It was an Olympic year back then and my clients were constantly asking for a menu that would reflect the excitement of the Olympic games.

Considering that most Olympics theme parties also include watching and cheering for the athletes, I realized that a sit down knife-and-fork menu wouldn’t work very well.  People don’t sit politely with a napkin under their chin when taking part in the excitement of the international competition.  They stand, they shout, they urge the television to make their favorite competitors go faster or further.  They aren’t calm, they may not be polite, but they do need food.

I created an international menu of two-bite hors d’ oeuvres that could travel with your guests as they move through the emotional bobsled that comes with watching the battles going on.  Each of these items are chosen to represent a specific country, the appropriate foods you might find there, and then makes them easy to eat.

You can create your own Olympics theme party by choosing some, or all of the items I’ve listed in this menu.

Have I forgotten your favorite country?  What would you add to the list?  Please leave a comment below and we can make this a truly international menu!

“Hey Chef Todd, I think __________ should be included in your Around The World Menu because……. ” (insert your comment below)