Quinoa salad for breakfast is “high-test”. If your car were sputtering, backfiring, was sluggish and slow to respond, you’d examine the gas you were filling it with. Low octane fuel equals low octane results.

Similarly, if you’re sputtering, sluggish, slow, even backfiring, and your first meal of the day is laden with fats and carbohydrates, it’s time to upgrade to a high-octane breakfast.

Protein is high-octane. Sugars and fats are low-octane. The high quality of plant-based protein in quinoa, lentils, beans, hummus, nuts, and peanut butter make this the best fuel to get through your normal 10am energy crash.

My previous blog post “Quinoa How-To 101” shows how simple cooking quinoa is. Then, you can combine any ingredients you desire into your own quinoa salad creation.

Can quinoa salad save the world? Perhaps not, but it can give you a better start to the day, and a longer, smoother journey running on high octane fuel.

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