Fresh herbs are a wonderful addition to your healthy cooking. Fresh herbs always remind me of summer when herb gardens are the most bountiful and first learning how to dry herbs. And, when you’re cooking healthy dishes in your kitchen, cooking with herbs becomes much easier when they grow in your yard.

In fact, cooking with herbs is one of the great treats of the summer. But, what if you have much more fresh herbs than you can possibly use before they wilt and spoil in your refrigerator?

If you put your fresh herbs in your refrigerator, they will slowly wilt and die. Instead, of letting the refrigerator give them a humid and cold death, you should dry your herbs.

It’s very easy to dry herbs so that you can be cooking with herbs during any time of the year. Your bounty of fresh herbs can be dried naturally, in your oven, or as demonstrated today, snipped with scissors and frozen in ziplock bags.

Either way, make the most use of what comes from your garden, your local farmers market, or your friends and family this growing season and include fresh herbs in your healthy cooking. And, if you end up getting more than your share, don’t kill your fresh herbs in the refrigerator when dry herbs that came from your garden can be just as flavorful. In the end, your house could be the one that everyone wants to visit because you’re cooking with herbs all year long!

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