Humans have been farming for more than 10,000 years without chemicals on food being a consideration. There were no chemical fertilizers or pesticides in the time that the majority of people grew their own food.


Not until after World War II, some 60 plus years ago, did we start to industrialize farming practices. This type of agriculture has a goal of feeding thousands of people. The farm acts like a factory, with raw commodities turned into finished product. The factory creates items that look new, shiny and attractive to the purchaser.

Not all items created in a factory are what they represent themselves to be. Have you ever bought a product that looked better in the catalogue than when it actually arrived in your home? This interpretation of the photo by you, or the factory’s deceptive advertising made you buy a product that isn’t 100 percent what was promised.

tomatosyringeChemicals on food accomplish the same result. They often make the end-product very attractive for sale, but without fulfilling the promise of what benefits it’s supposed to provide. The two sides on this debate both seek the benefits of their individual perspective, it’s quality versus quantity.

The modern industrialized farming technique presents a trade off to the public of large food production and availability versus human health. It seems that most people have chosen abundance over substance.

There are four main chemicals added to factory farm food products:

  • Herbicides – to prevent weed growth.
  • Pesticides – to prevent insect and parasite infestation
  • Growth Promoters – to reduce time between planting and harvest
  • Fungicides – to prevent the growth of fungi or molds

There can then be even more treatment for shipment. Most produce items are picked before they are ripe and exposed to ethylene gas to promote a red color. That’s why your strawberries and tomatoes are red on the outside but white in the middle. Food items can be waxed or sprayed with a chemical to prevent it from sprouting, a natural occurrence otherwise.

It’s such a simple concept that a 9 year old can explain it to us in 2:30

Even if chemicals on food that eventually wind up in your body don’t bother you, perhaps you’re concerned about the planet you leave for your grandchildren. The chemical dependence that farmers have become comfortable with can impact our world by:

Polluting Soil and Water – Industrial agriculture uses up to 70% of the world’s fresh water supply. Chemicals that run off plants find their way into the water supply. The US EPA estimates that nearly 75% of all water quality problems in the US rivers and streams are caused by chemical or sewage runoff from industrial farms.

Climate Change – The current food system is responsible for 1/3 of global greenhouse emissions. Factory farms depend on pesticides, herbicides, and oil for transport of the food.

Bees and Biodiversity – Many biologists believe that the over use of pesticides have led to dramatic decline in bee populations. Simply, without bees we lose many of our produce items that are pollinated by them. No bees, no food.

Human Health – We carry pesticides in our bodies. They are not quickly flushed out like vitamins. Pesticide exposure has been linked to risks of cancer, diabetes, lupus, arthritis, asthma, Parkinson’s disease and more.

lifewithoutchemicalsSupporters of our current factory farm system would argue that they are preventing starvation. They are the providers of food to a growing world. Without chemicals on food to prevent pests and promote growth, there would be a lot less food. It’s not reasonable to assume every person can grow their own food as if we all still lived on “the frontier”. Large farms must grow for those who don’t.

I don’t subscribe to the 100 percent organic movement, but I am cautious about the food choices I make for myself. This is a discussion you should have in your own head or with your family to find your position and abide by it. This is your new, or continued, way of choosing your food products.

Chemicals on food: a poison or necessary? Please leave your opinion in the comments below.