WCC Members Services – Update Billing, Update Email Address, Access the FB Group: Care Free Cooks Community

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To access the Members Area of WCC, go here: https://webcookingclasses.com/members/

Login with your Username (Membership Email Address) and Password. If you have forgotten your password or it is not working, you can change it instantly here:

You can update your billing securely here:

(please allow up to a full business day for a suspended membership to reinstated after billing has been updated).

You can also update your Email Address, Password or Billing Information, by logging in to the Members Area and clicking “My Profile” on the top right and scrolling down to the various sections to edit and save changes. Changes take effect immediately.
To access the Private Facebook Group (for WCC Lifetime Members Only), go here:
If this is your first time, you will need to request access, answer a couple of questions for the admins and wait up to 1 business day to be approved.