The best place to get fresh fruit and fresh produce is your local farmers market. I’m looking for fresh fruit and fresh vegetables from the Koloa Sunshine Farmers Market in Hawaii.

Notice that I didn’t bring any recipes with me. It would be impossible to find all the ingredients that are called for in any written recipe at a local farmers market. However, if you are armed with the knowledge of basic cooking methods, you can create an original recipe from what you find there. You’ll know that the meal you create from the freshest ingredients, fresh fruit and fresh produce, along with your creativity and study of online cooking lessons, will be the better than someone else’s opinion of what you should cook. That’s when you know How To Cook Fresh.

There’s a mindset involved in farmers market produce shopping. Years ago, I’d take my lengthy list of requirements to have on hand at all times to the grocery store. I had an insecurity that, when cooking by written recipe, it might call for something I don’t have in stock. Then, I might have to go back to the grocery store. At the farmers market, you’re committing to cooking whatever is freshest and readily available.

Packing your pantry with canned goods in case they’re demanded by your recipes the best way to waste time and money in your food shopping. Even if the farmers market produce is more expensive than grocery store items, it should be. It’s a better product that has been produced and distributed in a more wholesome fashion. You’ll get more enjoyment, more flavor, and more nutrition from fresh local produce that comes from your local farmers market.

The best ingredients you can access and afford, combined with basic cooking methods will help you create recipes from what is seasonal and available, and will keep bringing you back to your local farmers market for fresh produce.

What would YOU make with Shrimp, Limes, Star-Fruit, Pineapple and Lettuce?
Please tell me your inspiration in the comments below:

Starting TODAY, you can cook healthier, better tasting food and STILL save money.

“Discover my simple 5 step process for getting fresh, nutritious and cost-effective meals on the table every night of the week! “

Previously from Hawaii:
Cook Shrimp in Hawaii
Fish Market on Hawaii
Goat Farm on Hawaii
How to Open a Coconut in Maui